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Sunday, December 24, 2006

For the New Year

For the New Year 2007 it looks as though I'll be making another attempt at a PAD project.....but this time, with a little twist! In addition to sharing a photo each and every day, I'll also be presenting a themed photo every week. Looking over my life and what is truly important to me, I've settled on the theme of Family and Friends. These important people have offered me support in ways that I can't even this PAW (photo a week) project will be in tribute to them! Along with their photo, I plan to tell a little bit about why they mean so much to me and a little bit of their story as well.

There are a number of people at DPC who will also be participating in their own PADs and PAWs. They are absolutely wonderful photographers and you should check their work out from the links on this site.

Seeing as how this PAD went woefully awry at several points in 2006, I'll be spending the remainder of the year doing some adjustments to this blog in order to get it ready for the next year's project.

Thanks to all who have checked in here and offered comments and support! Hope to see you visit again in 2007!! :-)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

These are some shots that I took of me and my husband for the Life challenge. Having someone like him to share all aspects of my life with has truly been a treasure. Supportive in every way, caring, silly, loving--he gives so much to our life together :-)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Trying to get back into the swing of things, though I know the year is almost over.

Seems that despite any determination, the Photo A Day was a bit tougher than I thought it would be! Still trying to decide whether I'll attempt again next year. I'd like to say that I will...

But I can say that I learned a lot by what got done on this one. My knowledge of shutter speeds, aperture, etc. has grown. I'm certainly still learning about composition, and coming up with ideas in general. I tend to prefer "found" shots rather than set-up ones. Hopefully that will change over time--especially with the possible addition of some studio lights. And I feel comfortable, at home, with my my camera. I have "zen-ed" with it, so to speak :-) Which makes me quite happy.
Photo A Day 2007 -