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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Youth soccer

My husband coaches a youth soccer league and tonight his team played a game! I've brought my camera to a couple of the games and taken some pictures. At the end of the season, I'd like to burn some CDs of the photos for the parents of all the kids on the team.

Here are a couple of the shots!

The kids are just too cute....they work so hard! I've also learned that it's a wee bit harder to take sports shots than I might have originally thought ;-) Big props to those who do this for a living and take all of the shots that us everyday people associate with the sports we love!


Blogger TonyV said...

Very cute. One advantage of them being this age is that the kids follow the ball around like bees around a honey-pot. It gets even more difficult to take good pictures when they start passing the ball around.

I have spent many saturday mornings in the cold and wet taking pictures of my son and his team-mates.

6:39 AM  

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